At Wesley Chapel, it is our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We do this by focusing on four areas: Worship, Faith Development, Serving, and Generosity. We live together as people of faith to grow as disciples in each of these four areas.
The Christian faith is not built on smoke and mirrors, instead it is founded on sacrifice and prayer. The book of Hebrews focuses on Jesus as the High Priest. The priest would offer sacrifices and prayers on behalf of the people. The smoke from the burnt sacrifices rising to the sky provides the imagery for the prayers that rise up to the throne room of God.
Mental Health matters to God and is included in the greatest command to love the Lord with all your mind. Jesus addressed anxiety, depression, grief, anger, fear, and weariness. Mindfield is identifying the worries within and allowing Jesus to transform our thoughts and lead us toward positive mental health.
From the start, God was. Genesis is the story of the beginning. God created relationships, rhythms, covenant, and paths to wholeness. We discover that God is our God and we are God's people. As we search the stories of Genesis we will find the foundation of our faith.